Another demo of my 3D chunk system's latest feature.
Chunks previously generated "doors" that served as connecting points to neighboring chunks and did so in a way that ensured that any two neighboring chunks' doors would match in location and facing direction.

The newest refinement allows these doors to collect information about objects within a chunk that connect to them and then pass that information along to a matching door in an adjacent chunk. In this case, doors integrate with my node attachment system and bridge generator and pass along which modular pieces connect to them, allowing said modular pieces to connect to one another across chunk borders. This allows the player, or an AI, to navigate along a network formed by modular pieces and their attachment nodes and travel from chunk to chunk indefinitely as new chunks are generated and connected.

The player here is represented by the blue capsule and is restricted to moving along the road network and must do so in "turns" that occur three times per second.

The orange "zombies" similarly move along the roads three times per second, based on a simple path finding algorithm that tries to reach the player. Note how zombies are intelligent enough to find routes to the player even if they involve circuitous paths that may momentarily move them futher away from the player.

This demo does not save persistent chunk data (unlike one of my other demos), so if the player leaves and revisits an area, the zombies will spawn again.

W/A/S/D to move
Left click to switch to third person follow camera
Mouse to rotate camera in third person follow mode
Esc to switch to overhead map view

For best results wait about five seconds after starting the demo before trying to move. The player object waits for the world to generate before "attaching" to the nearest road segment and enabling player movement.
Hold the movement keys to move in turns automatically. The player object will advance if the direction held (as viewed by the camera) roughly matches that of a road segment onto which the player can travel.

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